These commands can be run by all players. Some are specific to each server, while some are global.
/server <server name>
Switch to either Hub
, Survival
, Creative
, or Lifesteal
View the server guide menu for a server-specific guide book
View the server rulebook
Shows a list of commands you can run on that server
Opens a menu with a list of informative mini-books about the server
Opens a text dialogue box where you can change your chat channel settings
Toggle a few settings on or off
Links to this beautiful and informative wiki site
Open your profile menu
Open the stats menu (sub-menu of /profile
Open the skills menu (sub-menu of /profile
Does what the name implies
Sit in place. You can also click on player's to ride on their head like a horse on all servers except Lifesteal (for obvious reasons)
Lay down on the ground, similar to /crawl
, except you are frozen in place
Spin around like a bobblehead
Get help!
Lists all players on the network\
Shows your player's account balance (AKA money)
Shows the richest players on the current server
/pm <player>
Privately message a player
/pay <player>
Usually for a trade or service, you can pay other players
Opens a menu where you can sell items to the server for a quick buck
Get rewards for voting
/ignore <player
Another player getting on your nerves? Simply ignore them. They will not see your messages and you won't see there's until you /unignore
the player
/server <server name>
Switch servers
/pilot <craft type>
/release <craft type>
Stop piloting a craft (you can also just leave the area)
Set the craft to automatically cruise at its top speed
/rotate <left or right>
Rotate the craft
Open up the emoji menu
Open the cosmetics menu for particle effects, gadgets, and emotes
Open the chat color and formatting menu (rank perk)
Return to spawn (with a 5 second warmup)
View the stats on Anti-Grav drive, a cybernetic enhancement
View the stats on the Philosopher's Stone, an essential alchemical skill
View the stats on Jekyll, a form of archery
View the stats on the Artorian Axe Style
View the stats on excavating
View the stats on fishin'
View the stats on Gene Splicing
View the stats on mining
View the stats on the art of repairing your gear
View the stats on your salvaging skills
View the stats on your swordsmanship
View the stats on your taming animals skills
View the stats on your unarmed cybernetic enhancements
View the stats on your tree-cutting skills
View the stats on your maces skill
View the skill leaderboard
Open the jobs menu
Warp to the AFK pit to earn rewards
Initiate or join a game of coinflip
Bottle up your XP
/permissionstrust <player or public>
Give full trust to a player to grant permissions in this claim as well as build in it, as well as the three tiers below
/trust <player or public>
Trust a player with full building permissions in your claim as well as the two tiers below
/containertrust <player or public>
Give a player access to open containers in your claim as well as the tier below
/accesstrust <player or public>
Give a player access to press buttons and sleep in beds in your claim
Abandon the claim you're standing in, if it's yours
Abandon all claims you own
/givepet <player>
Give your pet to someone else, AKA rehoming
/transferclaim <player>
Transfer your claim to someone else
Switches your golden shovel to subdivide mode, where you can create a smaller subdivision within your claim
/buyclaimblocks <value>
Purchase claim blocks
/sellclaimblocks <value>
Sell claim blocks
/createshop <buy price> <sell price>
With an item you want to sell in your hand, use this command while looking at a chest to create a shop out of it
/ecs remove
Remove the chest shop you created; you must be looking at it
Open the quest menu
Useful if you are within a claim. This will allow you to claim your grave if you're within 10 blocks of it
View your list of graves
Open up the music menu and select a song
Kill yourself (in the game)
/ah sell <sell price>
Sell an item in the auction house.
Open the jobs menu
Open the codex to see history, regions, bestiaries and more
Open the fishing GUI to sell fish and view baits
Open the dungeon menu
/plot claim
Run this command in an unclaimed plot to claim it as yours
/plot auto
Automatically claim a plot
/plot home
Teleport to your plot
/plot trust <player>
Trust a player with building permissions in your plot
Teleport to the default plot world (chances are you are already here)
Teleport to anywhere on the server
/tpa <player>
Send a teleport request to a player
Send a request for a player to teleport to you
Open up the auction house, where you can buy items
/ah sell <sell price>
List an item for sale in the auction house
Use an emoji from our list (it will tab-complete)
Withdraw money into a banknote
/withdraw heart <amount>
Withdraw hearts. Do not abuse this to give hearts to alts or other players who did not earn them
/tpa <player>
Request to teleport to a player. Don't accept random teleport requests!
/tpahere <player>
Request that a player teleport to you. Especially don't accept this request! You will likely be tpa trapped
Accept a teleportation request
Deny a teleportation request
/sethome <name>
Set your home that you can teleport to. You can make 3 homes
/home <name>
Teleport to one of your homes
/home bed
Teleport to your bed
/rtp, /wild
Teleport somewhere randomly in the world (it will find you a safe place)
Perform alchemical transmutation rituals
/kit <name>
Claim a kit
Open the server-wide shop to buy items
Sell items straight out of your inventory for quick cash
/team create <team name>
Create a team
/team invite <player>
Invite a player to your team. They can accept with...
/team join <team name>
Join a team, provided you were invited first
/team disband <team name>
Disband your team, provided you are the team leader (the one who created the team)
/team leave
Leave your team
/team deposit
Deposit money from your in-game account to your team's account
/team bal
Shows the balance (money) of your current team
/team list
Shows the teams on the server, ranked by size
/team [ally/neutral] <team name>
Set your team's relationship to another team
/team setowner <player>
Promote another player to team leader
/team sethome
Set your team's home (rank perk)
/team home
Teleport to your team's home if it has one
/report <player>
Open the bounty menu
/withdrawheart <amount>
Withdraw hearts into physical items
/island create
Create a player island Note: by default, a player can only create one island at a time. In the future, this may change
/island help
Help on how to use /island related commands.
/island delete
Delete an island
/island visit <player name>
If you have trust, visit another player's island
/island trust <player name>
Trust another player to visit your island
/island untrust <player name>
Remove your trust of another player to visit your island
/island teleport
Teleport to your island (default 5 second warmup)
/raid start
Initiate a raid on a random player's island
/raid help
Get help on raid-related commands
Link your Discord Account to your Minecraft account to receive raid notifications when offline
Remove your link to your Discord account
Teleport back to the hub world
/faction create <name>
Create a faction, which also creates a faction island
/faction requestjoin <name>
Request to join another Faction.
/faction invite <name>
Invite another player to a Faction.
/faction help
Help on how to use /faction related commands.
/faction delete <name>
Delete a faction, requires you to be the faction owner
/island delete confirm
Confirms deletion of a player or faction island
/faction rename <name>
Rename your faction. Duplicated and blacklisted names depend on configuration
/faction vault <name>
Opens your faction vault
/faction withdraw <amount>
Withdraw from your faction's balance
/faction deposit <amount>
Deposit money into your faction's balance
/faction bal
Check your faction's balance
/faction points
Check your faction's points
/faction promote <member>
Promote a member of your faction
/faction demote <member>
Demote a member of your faction
/faction <ally|truce|enemy> <name>
Declare your relationship with another faction
/faction top
View the top factions on the server according to their power level
/faction broadcast <message>
Send a message to all online players
/faction channel
Switch to your faction's chat channel
/faction chat <message>
Send a message to your faction's channel without changing your chat channel
/faction raid
Initiate a raid on another faction's island. You must be the faction Lord or Duke
/faction kick <member>
Kick a member from your faction, provided that you have the necessary permissions.
/faction ban <member>
Ban a member from your faction, provided that you have the necessary permissions.
/faction setowner <member>
Make another member the owner of your faction. This will announce it to all members of your faction
/faction info <name>
Shows information about a faction
/gems balance
Get your gems balance
/gems pay <name> <count>
Give another player some of your gems
/gems help
Get help on gem-related commands
Open the codex to see history, regions, and bestiaries
Last updated
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