Creative Plots

The guide to claiming plots, setting flags, and what world to build in.

You can get more plots with builder rank or by purchasing a plot in our webstore.

Claiming a Plot

To claim a plot on this server, simply fly away from spawn and find a plot that is unclaimed. You can tell it's unclaimed because no title will pop up on screen. Then type /plot claim. It is worth noting these plots are 75x75, and you can claim one for free. For plots, or to claim a larger plot, you can buy upgrades in the Torrent Webstore. There are three worlds total:

  • Artoria - The default 75x75 plot world. Usage -> /artoria

  • Dorian - The medium sized 150x150 plot world. You must purchase a plot upgrade to claim a plot here. Usage -> /dorian

  • Radioth - The large-sized 300x300 plot world; this is often used for building events. You must purchase a plot upgrade to claim a plot here. Usage -> /radioth


You can set a flag in your plot using the following command: /plot flag set <flag> <value>

For the full list of flags and their explanations, check out the PlotSquared wiki.

Last updated