Prime Arts

By using alien sword techinques from the Artorian Empire, you are able to strike with mythical precision, cutting through atoms themselves

XP is gained based on the amount of damage dealt to mobs or other players when wielding a sword.

Vorpal Strikes

This is an active ability, you can activate it by right-clicking with a sword. This ability allows you to deal an AoE (Area of Effect) hit. This AoE will do a bonus 25% damage and may apply Corpus.


Eclipse is a passive ability. When blocking and taking hits from mobs, you will have a chance to reflect 50% of the damage that was taken.


Corpus causes enemies to take damage every two seconds. The target will bleed until the effect wears off, or death, whichever comes first. The duration of the bleed is increased by your Prime Arts skill.


There is also a chance to mutilate your opponent. Your enemy will be gored beyond recognition, dealing precise and immediate additional damage.

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